Lifelong Learning, Vocational Training and Development Association

Lifelong Learning, Vocational Training and Development Association was founded in 2014 by Bakioğlu Holding Board Members, Bakioğlu Holding Packaging Group Companies, Baknet AŞ, Aegean Forest Foundation and other founding members to provide trainings and raise awareness regarding employment and vocational development within the framework of lifelong learning principle, based on national and international occupational standards.

HBODER carries out projects and research regarding occupational development in line with the Sustainable Development Goals in the environment, agriculture, forestry, energy, information and communication technologies, flexible packaging and printing sectors. It creates value through the trainings it coordinates in cooperation with national /international organizations to raise social awareness.

Zero Carbon Point Project

Project Details:

  • Project Owner: Lifelong Learning, Vocational Training and Development Association
  • Project Partners:
  • Aegean Forest Foundation,
  • RENAC energy & climate gGmbH (Germany)
  • Project Associates: Karşıyaka Municipality
  • Project Supporters: Bakiş AŞ And Baknet AŞ, Bakioğlu Holding companies

“Zero Carbon Point Project” became one of the first 40 projects out of over 900 which were awarded grants in scope of the fifth phase of Civil Society Dialogue Between Turkey and EU (CSD-V) Grant Programme. The overall objective of the project is to contribute to the sustainable dialogue established between civil society organizations in Turkey and EU member states by creating a carbon awareness point.

With the project, which had a budget of 210,453. -Euro and was coordinated between the dates of 01.04.2019-30.06.2020, “Zero Carbon Point Training Center” was established in Karşıyaka, Izmir where activities that contribute to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions can be observed on-site and best practices regarding the adaptation of renewable energy sector components to daily life and efficient use of natural resources are exhibited.

It is aimed to raise young leaders who think ecologically about adaptation to climate change, understand natural systems and act together in the Center, which has the potential to create environmental and social impacts by using education, which is one of the most powerful elements of sustainable development. An innovative and interactive training program including new generation training equipment on climate action, clean and sustainable energy, zero carbon economy, waste management, green economy, European Union Environment and Energy policies was prepared to be implemented at the Zero Carbon Point Training Center. Management and coordination of the center will be ensured by the Aegean Forest Foundation, which provides trainings for 25 thousand people each year.

Continued Dialogue, Closer to Europe Project

Project Details:

  • Project Owner: Lifelong Learning, Vocational Training and Development Association
  • Project Partners:
  • Aegean Forest Foundation,
  • Foresters’ Association of Turkey,
  • RENAC energy & climate gGmbH (Germany),
  • Osrodek Badawczo Edukacyjny w Zielonowie (Poland)
  • Project Associates: Karşıyaka Municipality, İzmir Commodity Exchange, Bayraklı Nuri Atik Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School, Buca Süleyman Şah Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School, Özel Ege Lisesi
  • Project Supporters: Bakioğlu Holding

“Continued Dialogue, Closer to Europe” is one of the 34 projects that chosen and awarded a grant among more than 1000 applications in scope of the sixth phase of Civil Society Dialogue between the EU and Turkey Grant Programme. Overall objective of the project is to contribute to the development of sustainable civil society dialogue between Turkey and EU member states by increasing the knowledge and experience sharing and cooperation on national and international levels. The project, having a total budget of 162,234.63 Euros, started on 01.04.2021 and will last 12 months. Within the scope of the project, young people between the ages of 15-18 will work with experts and educators to create a complementary and digital information platform and mobile application, which will include creative and innovative educational materials on environmental and energy subjects. The online platform, which will also be designed as a sustainable communication system, can also be used as an open library where young people can access up-to-date digital resources for their education, develop their capacities for their careers, and have information about EU Energy, Environment, Education and Culture policies.

Physical and interactive conceptual framework meetings, creation of e-learning objects, hackathon/ideathon and project fair events are among the project activities and that will be carried out by using different and innovative methods. It is aimed to contribute to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals of Quality Education, Climate Action, Sustainable Cities and Communities and increase the number of "green-collar" employees of the future in line with the 2019-2027 EU Youth Strategy through the project, which is transferable for national and international institutions.

Environmental Footprinting Scheme for Turkish Businesses

Project Details:

  • Project Partners:The Carbon Trust, Aegean Forest Foundation, Lifelong Learning, Vocational Training and Development Association,
  • Project Associates:Izmir Development Agency (IZKA), Aegean Region Chamber of Industry (EBSO), Izmir Ataturk Organized Industrial Zone (A.O.S.B), Polibak AŞ, Ege TV
  • Project Implementation Period: 15.02.2016-15.02.2017/ 12 Months
  • Project Location: Izmir-Turkey/ London-England

The objective of the project carried out within the scope of the Civil Society Dialogue Between Turkey and the European Union VI–Environment Grant Programme is to ensure the transfer and adaptation of studies on climate change mitigation, environmental protection actions and implemented practices in EU member states in accordance with the priority areas of Nature Conservation and Climate Action.

An eco-labeling system was established in order to reduce the carbon emissions and potential water use of the products produced in pilot sectors in İzmir in scope of the project in which the studies and best practice examples in EU member countries were transferred.

In order to reduce the carbon emissions of the products produced in 5 pilot companies operating in the printing-packaging, construction chemicals, cement and glass sectors, to help the efficient use of natural resources and to develop sustainable strategies, carbon footprints have been measured, documented and environmental footprint labels have been created.

With this system, it is aimed for the Turkish industry to get a larger share from world exports by transforming into a structure that is sensitive to the environment and society and to change the preferences of corporate and individual consumers on reducing their environmental footprints through awareness-raising.

Adapting Our Future to Climate Change Project

Project Details:

  • Project Owner: Lifelong Learning, Vocational Education and Development Association
  • Project Partners:
  • Aegean Forest Foundation,
  • Izmir Provincial Directorate of National Education,
  • Istanbul University- Cerrahpaşa,
  • Osrodek Badawczo Edukacyjny w Zielonowie (OBEZ, Poland)
  • Project Contributors:Municipality of Menderes
  • Project Implementation Period: 15.12.2023-14.12.2024

The scope of the project is to create a training curriculum based on the biomimicry approach and nanotechnology, which enables the development of regenerative solutions and sustainable technologies inspired by the wisdom and strategies of nature in adaptation to climate change. The trainings will be offered at the Ecology Education Center located in the olive grove of the Aegean Forest Foundation and at stations to be created in the forest, and the prepared content will be conveyed to teachers and students through pilot trainings. The project will also include an exchange of good practices and experiences between organizations in Türkiye and the EU to raise awareness that we are part of the world's ecosystems through the model and mentoring of the nature.

With a total budget of 159,619.80 Euros, the project, which will last for 12 months, aims to improve the problem-solving skills of children between the ages of 10-16 through techniques that enable them to learn through experience, and to become resilient individuals in the face of climate change.

Holding to Our Roots through Technology Project

Project Details:

  • Project Partners:Izmir Commodity Exchange, Aegean Forest Foundation, Lifelong Learning, Vocational Education and Development Association, Ege University, Institute of Entrepreneurship Development (IED, Greece)
  • Project Contributors: Izmir Provincial Directorate of Agriculture and Forestry, Olive Research Institute, and Orange Association
  • Project Implementation Period: 01.10.2023-30.11.2024

The aim of this project is to develop human resources that can meet the future labor force requirements of the agricultural sector in terms of quantity and quality on the basis of equality and technological transformation. Within the scope of this project, an online and innovative training system will be designed to determine the level of knowledge of young people and agricultural workers between the ages of 18-30 on Information and Communication Technologies to enable them to lead the transformation in agriculture. Training content will be prepared for different levels under the headings of technological practices in agriculture, sustainable energy and entrepreneurship.

With a total budget of 248,149.66 Euros, the project, which will last for 12 months, will provide training of trainers for young people studying agriculture and food, theoretical and practical trainings for young farmers and agricultural workers, particularly women, and will use the olive plantation area of the Aegean Forest Foundation with 30,000 trees as a pilot implementation area.

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